Sales Orders

#1 Sales Orders


Through this tab it is possible to filter the sales order lines that have to be analyzed by the MPS Definition procedure. The order lines, that can be viewed in this tab, must fulfill the following conditions:

- the sales order line item should have the  'Job Orders' flag enabling into its 'MRP Parameters';
- the line should not have been executed through picking list or sales delivery note or sales invoice;
- the line should not have the 'Forced Executed' status;
- the line should have the 'Not Executed' or 'Partially Executed' status;
- no Production Job Orders should have been generated by the line;
- the line should have the ready goods date inserted into the Sales Order Items from which it comes;
- the Sales Order, from which the line comes, should be 'Printed' and 'Confirmed'.

The lack of ONLY ONE of these conditions causes the impossibility to view the sales order line into the grid.

The tab consists of a filter area and of a result grid.

RIBBON BAR: it represents the Form Menu, that is the area in which it is possible to perform actions linked to the procedure in use. The list of features is the following: 

SearchButton to apply search filters within database of inserted sales order lines and that have the conditions complying with the requirements stated at the beginning of the 5.2 section.
Consider per Job OrdersIt refers the procedure to move sales order lines selected in the grid of 'Summary' tab.
Flow GenerationIt refers to the procedure to perform the production flow generation according to parameters set into 'MPS Parameters' window.
Edit Attributes FilterIt refers to the procedure to view or not the attributes filter. By activating this button and 2 flags of the pop up window that opens automatically, it is possible to use the filter per Attributes, taking advantage of data of 'Encoder' tables. For each table it is possible to set one or more filter, together with the addition of the columns linked to the selected attributes in the result grid and viewing data of the same tables. In this grid it is possible to view also, in case of Attributes filter usage, data in Attributes window, that can be activated through the specific button on Sales Order Items tab.

FILTER AREA: The filter area contains the list of the possible data types thanks to which it is possible to perform a selection, a research on the total of sales order lines inserted and which fulfill the selection criteria preset by window code and listed into the previous paragraph. Typically Filters have 'AND' condition and it is possible to specify more filter criteria at the same time. The user can use filter per item class, code, description and variant, Type and Sales Order Number, Customer, Sales Job Order, Estimated Delivery Date of Sales Order line, Production Job Order Type (in this case it is necessary to filter the sales order lines that come from the sales order whose type has a specific job order type linked to 'Sales Order Type' table).

RESULT GRID: Through the result grid it is possible to view the list of Production Job Orders which correspond to the filter data, above mentioned. After having specified the values through which it is possible to obtain a Production Job Orders search, the user, by clicking on the Search button of the related Ribbon, will obtain the list of the required Subcontractor Returns in the result grid.

The data that can be viewed within the result grid are: sales order type, order number, year, order insertion date ('SO Date'), line number, customer account and detail account field, sales job order, item class, code and variant, sales order line option, quantity of the order line still to execute ('Quantity'), available quantity ('Availability') of that item in ready goods date of order line ('Delivery'), production job order type code and description linked to sales order type, item description and customer company name ('Customer Description').

If  the 'Consider item availability' flag within Parameters tab is not active, the 'Availability' column has all lines null. Obviously in case that the flag is active, the search procedure of order lines needs more wait time because in that moment system performs 'run time' the availability calculation of every single item line that user can view into grid according to the search filter set.

After having filtered the desired order lines, the user can select some of these lines (or all) and clicking on 'Consider for Job Orders' button into Ribbon Bar, it is possible to move them into Summary tab, from which lines could be examined by the production job order generation procedure.

After selecting one or more sales order lines, it will be possible also to use the 'Flow Generation' button, that can be enabled only in case that the 'Automatic Generation of Production Flow' flag is active into MPS Parameters. Thanks to this flag it is possible to launch the complete production flow after the Production Job Order creation, which would be immediately scheduled. Besides according to the subsequent flags, whose operation is specified on document related to the Production Parameters, planned orders, production orders and production signals would be possibily generated. 

BuildDate : 31 marzo 2015

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